
Film Former

  • 용도
    Mascara, Eyeliner, Skin care, Cosmetics
  • 포장단위
  • 첨부파일
  1. #Mascara
  2. #Film Former
  3. #Eyeliner
  4. #Cosmetics Raw Materials


Film formers are used in personal care products. 

Various natural and synthetic raw materials are used for industrial purposes for film formation effect. 

Perisol is an acrylates copolymer made for personal care products.

Perisol is produced through the LFF (latex film formation) process. 

Perisol is a water-soluble copolymer that is easy to apply, and it creates an effective and stable product.


Synthetic Polymers

Perisol 300A

Perisol 300CL

Perisol 310CL

Perisol 340F

Perisol 800CL

Perisol 816CL

Cosmetic Industry

※ For more regarding about film former, Please contact us.